Collection: Cutting Garden Flowers
Choose beautiful flowers that look fantastic in the garden for cutting to enjoy indoors. Some plants really benefit from regular cutting, encouraging them to flower time and again. Sow a variety of shapes, stem lengths and colours to enjoy creating your own bouquets and arrangements at home.
Aquilegia 'Barlow Mixed' Seeds
This Columbine has double, nodding flowers above attractive, lacy foliage. Aquilegia prefer parti...See MoreRegular price £3.29Regular priceUnit price / per -
Nigella damascena 'Persian Jewels' Seeds
The Nigella Persian Mix is a wonderful jumble of blue, pink and white tones, with finely divided ...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per£0.00Sale price £2.49 -
Monarda didyma - Seeds
These clump-forming, herbaceous perennials are a cottage garden favourite. Flowering from early s...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per -
Callistephus 'Duchesse Apricot' Seeds
With long stems and soft, Chrysanthemum-like blooms, this half-hardy annual makes an excellent ad...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per -
Digitalis 'Apricot' (Foxgloves) Seeds
This elegant foxglove offers something different; if the hot pinks of the wild species don't fit ...See MoreRegular price £2.29Regular priceUnit price / per£0.00Sale price £2.29 -
Zinnia elegans 'Queen Red Lime' Seeds
A stand-out variety of Zinnia, with petals gradually changing from pale-red to lime-green in colo...See MoreRegular price £3.99Regular priceUnit price / per -
Cosmos 'Double Click Cranberries' Seeds
A popular annual with masses of cheerful, vibrant flowers with frilly petals and delicate foliage...See MoreRegular price £3.29Regular priceUnit price / per -
Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll' Seeds
This Love-in-a-Mist variety is a classic cottage-garden flower; perfect for achieving a naturalis...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per£0.00Sale price £2.49 -
Nigella hispanica White Seeds
This white-flowered form of Spanish Fennel flower is very similar to the traditional Love-in-the-...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per -
Calendula 'Sunset Buff' Seeds
Beautiful pastel-coloured Marigolds, a softer, subtler look than traditional marigolds. Plant gen...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per -
Cosmos 'Seashells Mixed' Seeds
The tubular petals of this variety of Cosmos are pretty and will add softness to a border. As the...See MoreRegular price £2.79Regular priceUnit price / per -
Eschscholzia californica 'Carmine King' Seeds
These handy little annuals are a magnet for pollinators and beneficial planted near fruit and veg...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per -
Centranthus ruber - Seeds
Red Valerian is easy-to-grow, mid-sized perennials are a common sight in cottage gardens, growing...See MoreRegular price £2.29Regular priceUnit price / per -
Papaver paeoniflorum 'Black Peony' (Poppy) Seeds
Black Peony Poppies are stunning flowers, which will pop up anywhere in the garden once establish...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per£0.00Sale price £2.49 -
Delphinium consolida 'Fancy Purple Picotee' Seeds
This sturdy Larkspur produces abundant, pale-purple flowers all summer, and can keep going to the...See MoreRegular price £2.29Regular priceUnit price / per -
Helichrysum 'White' Seeds
White strawflower, ideal annual for flower arrangers to grow in the summer months, as the more yo...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per -
Papaver commutatum 'Ladybird' (Poppy) Seeds
No cottage-garden border should be without this variety. Healthy clumps of heavily toothed, hairy...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per£0.00Sale price £2.49 -
Antirrhinum 'White Admiral' syn Purest White Seeds
Easy-to-grow annual, or short-lived perennial, which produces beautiful spikes of soft white flow...See MoreRegular price £3.29Regular priceUnit price / per -
Achillea 'Cerise Queen' Seeds
Herbaceous perennial Yarrow with colourful flattened flowerheads on tall stems, and fern-like fol...See MoreRegular price £0.79Regular priceUnit price / per£2.49Sale price £0.79Sale -
Cosmos 'Rubenza' Seeds
The intense burgundy-red petals of this annual fade to rose-pink as they age, giving a multi-tona...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per£0.00Sale price £2.49 -
Helianthus 'Velvet Queen' Seeds
The rich, intense flowers of this popular annual make it a highly ornamental choice for borders a...See MoreRegular price £2.99Regular priceUnit price / per£0.00Sale price £2.99 -
Lupinus 'The Chatelaine Pink' Seeds
Eye-catching pink and white pea-like flowers on multiple flower spires. The flowers last several ...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per£0.00Sale price £2.49 -
Lupinus 'Noble Maiden' Seeds
Spectacular spires of dense, creamy-white, pea-like flowers above mounds of palmate green foliage...See MoreRegular price £2.49Regular priceUnit price / per -
Agrostemma githago - Corn-cockle Seeds
Commonly known as corn cockle, and a beneficial plant attractive to bees. Once considered a commo...See MoreRegular price £2.79Regular priceUnit price / per£0.00Sale price £2.79